The Nature of Christ
Many rightly accept that Christ took on fallen human nature and was 100% human while he walked on Earth. However, this leads some to deny that Jesus was also 100% divine. Bill Pinto looks at key passages in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy to determine whether Jesus Christ retained His divinity when He was born in Bethlehem.
From stories such as Nathaniel's call to discipleship; the healing of the paralytic; and the raising of Lazarus, Tom Pinto shows how Jesus retained His divine nature in all its fulness when He became a man on Earth.
What does Jacob’s vision of the ladder have to teach us about the nature of Christ?
Join Bill Pinto as he explores what the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy have to say about the human nature of Christ.
Tom Pinto pinpoints the facts we can be sure of regarding the nature of Christ, while distinguishing the part which God has not revealed. Indeed, Sister White clearly states that “there is no one who can explain the mystery of the incarnation of Christ”. Rather, as Tom explains, this is a piece of the puzzle which all must accept by faith.
In this sermon, Tom Pinto highlights how man's salvation hinges upon Jesus Christ conquering sin in fallen, human nature.