Original Sin
Those who believe that babies are born sinners have to change Jesus' nature, or else He too would have been born a sinner. In place of this error, some are now teaching that Jesus was born born-again, and thereby gained an advantage over us.
Is there a link between the truth about God and the truth about sin? Join C.S Lawrence as he navigates the Biblical evidence, and shows that in order to sincerely accept the True God, one must accept His True Law.
A response to Nader Mansour's sermon
The Limited Gospel in which Nader presents
1 John 3:4 as a ‘limited’ definition of sin. Bill Pinto shows what the pioneers believed about the human nature of Christ, as well as their awareness of the difference between the liability to sin, and sin itself.
This short video answers 5 common questions regarding the nature of Christ and the definition of sin.
In this comprehensive study of Romans chapter 7, Bill Pinto explores the battle between the law of sin and the law of the Spirit. This sermon, enhanced through personal stories and practical illustrations, provides a thorough analysis of Paul's groaning and rejoicing, before and after conversion. Ultimately, Bill seeks to show how one can allow the law of the Spirit to rule in their life, while still possessing a fallen, human nature with tendencies to evil.
The second part in Bill Pinto's response to Nader Mansour's sermon The Limited Gospel.