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This documentary passes the life and writings of Ellen G. White through the seven Biblical tests authorised by God to verify the true, and expose the false. It is these tests that will ultimately determine whether Ellen G. White was a genuine prophet or a spurious pretender.
The Reformers declared that the Bible and the Bible alone was the rule of faith. By contrast, Rome has always maintained that both Scripture and tradition are the standard of faith. Five hundred years ago Rome issued a fair challenge to the battle cry of 'Sola Scriptura'. Sadly, this challenge has been unanswered by the majority of those who call themselves Protestant. Will you answer it?
Who were the true radicals of the protestant reformation? What can be gained from their legacy today? Join Chris Sparks as he unravels the story of the Anabaptists; a people whose fearless devotion to the truth provides a microcosm for the larger movement of the church of God.
Is the Sabbath of the fourth commandment still binding? Did God change the day from Saturday to Sunday? What about the sabbaths that were nailed to the cross? Does it really matter which day one keeps? What does it mean to keep the Sabbath day holy?
Revelation 18:11-14 describes "merchants of the earth" who mourn over the fall of Babylon. They are merchants of precious metals and stones; wood; spices; clothing; food and livestock, and also "the souls of men". In this study, Chris Sparks shows how the leaders behind the modern-day banking system are the merchants of Babylon.
On what day was Christ crucified? While most Christians would agree that Jesus died on Friday, some promote the idea of a Wednesday crucifixion. According to the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, this cannot be the case.
Does the Bible teach that the seventh-day Sabbath of the fourth commandment is based upon a lunar calendar? In this sermon, Tom Pinto exposes several contradictions encased within the lunar sabbath teaching.
Tom Pinto looks at the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 and how it was interpreted by the early Adventists. He also examines Ellen G. White's life and writings according to the Biblical tests for a true prophet.
How has the great controversy played out in the translation of the Bible? Are all versions equal? In this sermon, Chris Sparks traces the various versions of the Bible back to two distinct origins: the pure manuscripts of the apostles, and those corrupted by gnostic sects.
Excerpt from our EGW documentary.
Did Ellen G. White predict the ecumenical movement we're seeing today? Can it truly be said that Protestantism has clasped the hand of Catholicism?
Does God kill? Through an analysis of Biblical case studies, Tom Pinto arrives at simple answer.
What was man’s original diet? Why and when was man given permission to eat flesh foods? Using the Bible, Christopher Sparks identifies seven periods of history by the varying food items God has provided and permitted for His people. In this prophetic and final era of Earth's history, how shall we eat and drink to the glory of God?