The State of the Dead
Is the soul immortal? Will the wicked burn for eternity? The fate of the lost is a controversy that has raged within Christianity since the early centuries. Origen of Alexandria claimed that after death, all men will eventually be restored to God and attain salvation. According to Augustine of Hippo, however, the damned will agonise in the torments of hell throughout all eternity. Does the Bible support either of these opposing views? Or is there a third option? The worthy truth about the state of the dead is spelled out plainly in the Word of God.
Modern spiritualists claim that every man and woman possesses an ethereal spirit that may vacate the physical body via ‘astral travel’. Such freely admit that their doctrine hails back to Ancient Egypt. While Protestant and Catholic theologians claim their belief in the immortal soul to be Biblical, it is demonstrably the same Egyptian doctrine. How will this doctrine of devils play out in last day events?
Do the wicked go to hell immediately after death? Do the righteous go immediately to heaven? Or are both asleep in the grave? What did Jesus mean to teach through the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
What is a soul? Do the righteous go straight to heaven when they die? What happens to the lost? For Dust Thou Art is a short film which reveals what the Bible has to say about the state of the dead.